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Time for Solutions, not Band-Aids

Writer's picture: Shmuel SackettShmuel Sackett

The #1 question I receive – several times a day – is this; “Shmuel, what can we do to solve the problem of Arab terror in Israel?” I certainly understand why people ask this question since every day, knife attacks appear across the country. Just this week, Jews were stabbed in Rishon LeZion and Netanya, adding these cities to the sad list of where holy Jewish blood was shed. Even though the IDF and Israeli police are working 24/7, the situation is simply out of control and people want to know what can be done.

Here is how I answer that very serious question: “We all want to stop the terror attacks in Israel but before I give my solution, I have a question of my own; Do people really want to solve the problem – once and for all – or do they just want to quiet things down for a while?” This can be compared to a person who has a strange ailment where he starts bleeding every day – out of nowhere – and is satisfied by simply taping on a Band-Aid. He knows that his Band-Aid won’t last long, but who cares? The bleeding stopped for a while… that’s good enough for him!! When the Band-Aid falls off, the foolish guy will simply tape another one on… this time with a nice picture of Sponge-Bob! The bleeding keeps coming?? No problem – stock up on all the Band-Aids money can buy!!

All kidding aside, I will simply not answer that question until the person answers mine first. We all know that every member of today’s Knesset – all 120 of them (yes, every single one) – is an advocate of BAP… the Band-Aid Plan. Some advocate waterproof Band-Aid’s which last longer while others prefer the Barbie design so that at least you can still look cute. Personally, I am not interested in BAP because no matter how many Band-Aids you buy – or even manufacture – this weak and ridiculous plan comes after Jews are already bleeding… which is something I will not tolerate any longer!

So I ask again – and please answer this question before reading any further; are you looking for a solution or a temporary “quick-fix”? If “quick-fix” was your answer then stop reading this article. Go immediately to YouTube and listen to speeches from Prime Minister Netanyahu. He speaks great and you will love every word. When you finish watching the Bibi speeches about how he is going to be tough with terror and tough with Iran and tough with Hamas and will be known in history “as the one who restored security to Israel” blah-blah-blah… you can then watch speeches and read articles by Naftali Bennet, Avigdor Lieberman and Defense Minister Ya’alon. They all say the same thing. None of them are prepared to deal with the root of the problem and until that happens, there will be good days (Yey its quiet – the terror is over!) and bad days (Whoops, spoke too soon!).

Therefore, dearest friends, the first decision needs to be that Israel must solve the problem of Arab terror permanently. Once that is clear, the work can be done. The place to begin is by deleting the term “politically correct” from our dictionary and recognize that the Arab enemy is something the world has never seen before. Think about this; When is the last time you heard a mother proud that her son blew himself up – but took 4 Jews along with him? Even Nazi mothers did not speak this way! Yes, they were happy that their son was killing Jews, as long as he came home every night safe and sound. This was true throughout history with the Roman mothers, the Greek mothers and the Crusader mothers. They had no problem with Jewish blood on their son’s shirts… but it better be Jewish blood and not their son’s blood. This is the first time – EVER!! – that after being informed that her son wore a suicide belt while killing Jews the mother screams out, “I wish I had 10 more sons like that!!” Let’s be serious for a minute and say something straight and to the point. You cannot make peace with people like that. Not now, not ever.

The Arab in Israel is not interested in peace. He is not interested in land nor is he interested in a state. He – and she – wants Jewish blood. They do not want Jews living in any part of Israel; from Hebron and Bet El to Tel Aviv and Tzefat. They are not impressed with Israel’s hi-tech industry, water conservation programs, medical innovations or the fact that Google bought Israel’s “Waze” for a billion dollars. They couldn’t care less. They want the Jews out of the land so they can do nothing with it. They are not interested in inheriting our factories nor moving into our homes. I realize that none of this makes sense but neither does the fact that in 1929 – long before the modern state came into existence – the Arabs of Hebron slaughtered 67 Jews in one day including the only doctor in town. That Jewish doctor took care of Arab patients, morning to night, and after his murder many Arabs died as a result of no medical care! On that same tragic day they also butchered the only pharmacist in town (also a Jew) which led, once again, to horrible diseases being spread among the Arab population. Do you think this bothered them? Not at all… and don’t bother using logic to figure this out, since you will fail.

Israel must acknowledge these facts and quickly set a plan into motion which helps the Arabs live long and productive lives outside of Israel. Unlike Syria, which is making their own family members run for their lives, Israel will help every Arab family find a country who wants them. Israel needs to buy their homes and send them out of the country with respectable sums of money with which they can use to start new and fresh lives. The Arabs who live in Israel need to know that their future is no longer in Israel but in Australia, Canada, France and Argentina. This plan of paid emigration will solve the problem by moving out those who want to leave – estimated at 70% of the Arabs in Israel. The remaining 30% will deal with “a new sheriff in town” who will not tolerate violence and who will enforce tax laws and building codes – something which has not been done since the day the Arabs arrived.

In short; the security forces need to be far more pro-active and strong in their response to any act of terror, including rock throwing which killed my friend’s baby; Yehuda Shoham. They need to hit the Arabs hard, destroy all schools who teach hatred, close all radio and TV stations which incite the population, immediately evict all spiritual leaders who preach violence, take away all comforts from Arab prisoners and never return a body of an Arab murderer until his entire family has been exiled from the country. All that is the short-term solution. For the long-term solution – which can take up to 10 years – the “paid emigration” plan must be put into motion, regardless of what the world will say.

Only then will Israel finally solve the problem and stop the shedding of Jewish blood. Enough Kaddish and shiva for our nation! Time to do what it takes to get the job done.


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